<aside> 📢 During the hackathon, seasoned mentors from web3 various fields and projects will offer guidance and insights to assist you with your work. If you have a question, you can ask in the Telegram group on the "Ask a Mentor" channel. If your question is specific to a project or sponsor bounty, tag the relevant mentor in the chat.


If a mentor is not available, please respect their privacy and seek help from another source. Someone will be available from the start of the hackathon until the project application deadline. While some mentors may offer in-person assistance, please default to asking for help in the group chat.

We encourage you to seek advice early to learn and build more efficiently. This advice applies to coding, brainstorming ideas, understanding concepts, and improving design and presentation.

To maintain a fair and respectful environment, please do not share mentors' contact information or send them unsolicited requests or unrelated matters. Violation of this rule may lead to disqualification from the hackathon. We appreciate your respect for our mentors' privacy.

Name Expertise/Skills Telegram Availability